Freedom from Scars: Your Guide to Effective Keloid Treatment & Removal

Explore effective keloid treatments and home remedies to manage and reduce scar visibility. Start your journey to smoother skin today.
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Freedom from Scars: Your Guide to Effective Keloid Treatment & Removal

Dealing with keloids can be more than just a cosmetic issue—it's often an emotional journey. These noticeable and sometimes uncomfortable scar formations can impact your self-esteem and daily interactions, especially in professional settings where first impressions count. 

If you're struggling with keloids, you're not alone, and there are effective keloid treatments available that can significantly reduce or eliminate these scars. 

This guide delves into the root causes of keloids, explores the latest keloid treatment options tailored for your busy lifestyle, and provides practical advice for aftercare that minimizes recurrence. Let's begin this journey toward clearer, smoother skin together, empowering you to look and feel your best.

What is a Keloid?

Keloids are more than just scars; they are overgrowths of scar tissue that develop at the site of a skin injury. Unlike typical scars, keloids can grow beyond the boundaries of the original wound, creating a raised and often sensitive area. 

This phenomenon occurs due to the skin's excessive production of collagen after an injury has healed. Understanding keloid treatment is essential for managing these often stubborn and visually noticeable scars.

Causes and Symptoms of Keloids

As mentioned keloids occur when the body overreacts to skin injuries with an aggressive healing response, resulting in excessive scar tissue that extends beyond the original wound. 

Here are common causes:

  • Surgical Incisions: Post-operative healing can sometimes lead to keloid formation, particularly in those with a genetic predisposition.
  • Acne and Skin Infections: Severe acne or skin infections can leave scars that develop into keloids, especially in sensitive areas.
  • Piercings and Tattoos: Body modifications that breach the skin, like piercings and tattoos, can trigger keloid formation around the healed area.
  • Burns and Abrasions: Any injury causing significant skin trauma, including burns and abrasions, can result in keloids as the skin undergoes the healing process.
  • Insect Bites and Scratches: Even minor skin disruptions such as insect bites or scratches can lead to keloid scars if the skin heals excessively.
  • Vaccination Sites: In some cases, the small puncture wounds from vaccinations can develop into keloids.

As for the symptoms of keloids, they can vary, impacting both the appearance and the sensation of the skin. If you’re wondering if what you have is a keloid, take a look at our list of potential key symptoms. 

  • Firm, Raised Scars: Keloids are typically raised above the skin level and have a hard, rubbery texture.
  • Color Variations: They often start red or pink and may darken to become brownish or purplish as they mature.
  • Itchiness and Discomfort: Many individuals experience itchiness, tenderness, or even pain in the keloid area, especially when touched or if the keloid is large.
  • Growth Beyond Wound: Unlike regular scars, keloids expand beyond the boundaries of the original wound, sometimes significantly.
  • Texture Changes: The surface of a keloid may appear shiny or have a different texture from the surrounding skin.

The Differences Between a Keloid vs Piercing/Irritation Bump

Keloids are often confused with irritation bumps, commonly seen with piercings, as both can appear as raised areas on the skin. However, distinguishing between keloids and piercing bumps is crucial due to their different causes and treatment approaches. 

Keloids are aggressive overgrowths of scar tissue that expand beyond the original injury site, whereas irritation bumps are typically temporary reactions localized to the piercing area and resolve with proper care and hygiene. Recognizing these differences can help in choosing the right treatment strategy.


Piercing Bump



Small, raised, and often red bumps near the piercing. They may be itchy or painful and could discharge clear or yellowish fluid.

Larger, robust, raised scars that extend beyond the original injury, often feeling firm and rubbery.


Confined to the immediate area around the piercing.

Can occur on any part of the body but are more common in areas of skin tension like the chest, back, and upper arms.


Develop shortly after the piercing and may persist for weeks to months.

Typically develop months after an injury, surgery, or piercing and have the potential to keep growing over time.

Risk Factors

Common in anyone with a new piercing, regardless of skin type or history.

More likely in individuals with darker skin, a personal or family history of keloids, or previous significant scarring.

Treatment Response

Often resolved with proper piercing care and hygiene.

Resistant to simple treatments and may require interventions such as steroid injections, laser treatments, or surgery.

If you are unsure of the kind of scar you are experiencing, seek advice from a dermatologist or other healthcare professional. At Skinserity, our team of medical professionals are here to help, contact us via Line, WhatsApp, Email and more.

Keloid Treatment and Management Options

Unlike piercing or irritation bumps, keloids represent a more complex challenge in dermatological care, often necessitating a multi-faceted approach to keloid treatment

These overgrown scars not only pose a cosmetic issue but can also cause discomfort and emotional distress. Keloid treatment strategies aim to flatten, reduce, or completely remove keloids, although it's important to note that even after successful keloid treatments, they can reappear, sometimes more prominently than before. 

In this section, we will explore various effective keloid treatments, helping you understand which method or combination of methods might be best suited for your specific condition.

1. Steroid Treatments

Steroid treatments, specifically cortisone, are commonly used for smaller keloids or as part of a combined treatment strategy. These keloid injections help to flatten the keloid by reducing collagen synthesis and suppressing inflammation within the scar.

  • Treatment Schedule: Keloid treatments are typically given once a month for up to six months.
  • Effectiveness: Many patients see a significant flattening of their keloids after a series of injections, though complete disappearance is rare.
  • Side Effects: Possible side effects include thinning of the skin at the treatment site, the appearance of tiny blood vessels on the skin, and pigment changes.

2. Surgical Removal

Surgical removal is considered when keloids are particularly large or have not responded well to other keloid treatments. The procedure involves excising the keloid scar completely, which can provide immediate improvement in appearance and relief from discomfort.

  • Recurrence Rates: It's important to note that keloids have a high tendency to recur after surgery, with recurrence rates ranging from 45% to 100%.
  • Post-Surgical Treatment: To minimize the risk of recurrence, surgery is frequently combined with other treatments such as radiation therapy or steroid injections, applied post-operatively.
  • Considerations: Surgery is more suitable for older keloids that have stopped growing and are symptomatic or causing functional impairment.

3. Laser Treatment

Laser therapy, particularly the use of pulsed-dye lasers, is a popular method for treating larger keloids. This keloid treatment works by delivering intense bursts of light at a wavelength that targets the blood vessels within the scar tissue. The heat from the laser helps to reduce the size of the keloid and alleviate associated symptoms like itchiness.

  • Sessions: Treatment typically requires multiple sessions spaced about 4 to 8 weeks apart to achieve the desired results.
  • Combination Treatments: Often, laser therapy is combined with steroid injections to enhance the effectiveness and prevent the keloid from returning.
  • Side Effects: The possible side effects include temporary changes in skin pigmentation, such as lightening or darkening, particularly in darker skin tones, as well as blistering and crusting.

Lifestyle and Home Remedies for Managing Keloids

Although clinical keloid treatments may help, managing keloids extends beyond these treatments. Effective self-care can play a crucial role in preventing keloid formation and minimizing discomfort. Here are some practical tips to manage your keloids at home:

  1. Commit to Consistent Wound Management: Adhere strictly to your healthcare provider's wound care instructions. Proper care, though sometimes inconvenient, especially with compression dressings, is essential in preventing keloid development.
  2. Use Corticosteroid Creams for Comfort: Over-the-counter corticosteroid creams are effective for soothing the itch associated with keloids. Apply as directed to reduce discomfort.
  3. Silicone Gel for Symptom Relief: Silicone gel or sheets, readily available without a prescription, can be applied to keloids to lessen itching and help flatten the scar over time.
  4. Minimize Scar Irritation: Protect keloids from any further injury by avoiding tight clothing and other irritants that might rub against or scratch the scar.
  5. Shield from the Sun: Sun exposure can darken keloids, making them more visible and sometimes permanently changing their color. Cover keloids with clothing or apply a high-SPF sunscreen generously when outdoors.
  6. Scar Massages: Massaging the scar will help to improve blood circulation, may break down scar tissues and soften the scar which can improve healing of the keloids or prevent them from forming after you experience injuries.

Ready to Transform Your Skin?

Don't let keloids control your comfort and confidence any longer. At Skinserity, we specialize in advanced treatments tailored to your unique skin needs. 

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and explore your options for keloid treatment.

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